About Us

Purpose of Estabilshment

The Korea International Development Cooperation Center was established with the purpose of contributing to enhancing the capacity and efficiency of international development cooperation projects in Korea by efficiently performing various support tasks related to various development cooperation projects, both paid and free, by Korean government ministries and related organizations.


12    WFK Youth Mid-term Volunteer Program Operation and Management (Topic: Social)

12    PMC service for digital investigation capacity expansion project for cyber safety in Bangladesh
12    Invitational training for Mongolian national registration system operation support project

06    E-volunteer activities for the WFK NGO Volunteer Program (East Timor, Mongolia, Tanzania)
06    E-volunteer activities for the WFK Project Volunteer Program (Business-based IT education for Mongolian youth)

04    Registered as a non-profit private organization in Seoul  

09    Appointed Heung-Yul Choi as the 6th President of KIDC

08    Signed a business agreement for the WFK Project Volunteer Program (STEM education project for Tanzanian youth)

08    Signed a business agreement with the WFK Project Volunteer Program (Business-based IT education project for Mongolian youth)

07    Signed a business agreement with the WFK NGO Volunteer Program in the second half of 2019 (Tanzania)
07월Signed a business agreement with the WFK NGO Volunteer Program in the second half of 2019 (East Timor)
07월Signed a business agreement with the WFK NGO Volunteer Program in the second half of 2019 (Mongolia)

04   Discovery of KOICA public-private partnership incubating program business

12   KOICA Performance-Based Volunteer Program (Multi-year Performance-Based Volunteer Program to promote the rights and interests of                     minority female youth in Vientiane, Laos)

10  Carried out consignment service for the operation of social solidarity economy program and social value ecosystem nurturing                      program

08  Carried out consignment service for domestic training and support of KOICA development cooperation coordinator dispatch project            (1st to 3rd term)

06   Carried out consignment service for the 2nd domestic training of WFK Youth Mid-term Volunteer Program (5th term)

01   Carried out research service for WFK Youth Mid-term and Short-term Volunteer Program
05   Carried out consignment service for the 2nd domestic training of WFK Youth Mid-term Volunteer Program (4th term


12   Carried out two project management and performance management tasks in the ICT sector of Peru

07   Appointed Yong-pyo Kim as the 5th President of KIDC

07   Carried out consignment service for International Poverty Eradication Contribution support

05   Carried out consignment service for Korea Disaster Relief Team (KDRT) secretariat support


11   Carried out consignment service for development assistance capacity building training of Palestine

11   Carried out consignment service for the 1st CTS development cooperation training and workshop

08   Carried out consignment service for UNV University Student Volunteer Program

04   Appointed Dong-Won An as the 4th President of KIDC


06   Appointed Lee Hyeong-deok as the 3rd President of KIDC

06  Carried out consignment service of support for KOICA's Human Resources Training Team's recruitment and management of                           fixed-term workers and training operation

10   Carried out consignment service for the public-private cooperation project support

09   Carried out consignment service of support for partnership project with universities

03   Carried out consignment service of support for ODA Youth Intern Program

01   Carried out consignment service of support for training program operation of ODA Education Center

09   Carried out consignment service for fixed security work of KOICA overseas office

07   Appointed Shin Ki-bok as the 2nd President of KIDC

05   Carried out consignment service for fixed security work of WFK/WFA

04   Carried out consignment service of support for KOICA Training Program

03   Carried out operation of global village experience exhibition hall, food culture experience, field trips, and special lecture programs

01   Carried out consignment service for operation and management of domestic training at the overseas volunteer training center


05   Appointed Sung-Rak Choi as the 1st President of KIDC

05   Registered for incorporation and business registration

04   Obtained permission to establish a corporation for Korea International Cooperation Center (Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade                  License No. 660)